UDISE Code: 19140702202
Year Of Establishment: 2000
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MARUMASINA BANSA HIGH SCHOOLM.Mosina / Iv (pincode: 723202)
Jhalda Satya Bhama H.S.
West Bengal.
Enrolment of the Students
Class | No. of Students |
Pre-Primary | 0 |
I | 0 |
II | 0 |
III | 0 |
IV | 0 |
V | 125 |
VI | 120 |
VII | 160 |
VIII | 130 |
IX | 140 |
X | 122 |
XI | 282 |
XII | 249 |
Total | 1328 |
Total Teachers: 11
Total Students: 1328
School Profile | |
School Category | 5-Up. Pr. Secondary and Higher Sec |
School Type | 3-Co-educational |
Class | 5 to 12 |
State Management | 15-Govt. Sponsered |
National Management | 1-Department of Education |
Status | 0-Operational |
Location | 1-Rural |
School Facilities | |
Building Status | 3-Government |
Boundary Wall | 1-Pucca |
No of boys toilets | 1 |
No of girls toilets | 3 |
No of cwsn toilets | 0 |
Drinking water availability | True |
Hand wash facility | True |
Functional generator | 0 |
Library | True |
Reading corner | False |
Book bank | True |
Functional laptop | 0 |
Functional desktop | 10 |
Functional tablet | 0 |
Functional scanner | 0 |
Functional printer | 1 |
Functional LED | 0 |
National Management | 0 |
Functional digiboard | True |
Internet | False |
DTH | 0 |
Class Rooms: 16
Other Rooms: 4
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